Aruba Instant On
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To create a new network please go to the "Network" panel.
If it's your first time configuring the Aruba InstantON device, you should only see the "Default" network.
Press "+ Add" to add another network.
You should see this window pop up. Configure it as follows:
Network name
Here you choose your network SSID
Wi-Fi Enhanced Open
Guest Portal
Click "Save".
After you've saved the network, please go to the "Customize guest portal" section.
In the left upper corner, click on the dropdown menu and choose "External". Then, configure as follows:
Redirect URL
Leave empty
Send RADIUS Accounting
Server IP address or domain name
Shared secret
Radius Secret available in Access Points tab of the Social WiFi Panel
Click on "More RADIUS parameters" and configure as follows:
Retry count
Authentication port
Accounting port
Complete the walled garden list leaving the Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn toggles unchecked.
To add your Access Point to Panel, log in to your account, go to Access Points tab and click “Add new”
Your device’s MAC address can be found in Inventory -> Identification.
Connect with the WiFi network. You should see a login page. Go through the login process and, once finished, you should have internet access. You should see first connections and authorisations in the Social WiFi Panel’s statistics section.