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Dashboard Guides
Dashboard FAQs
Optional features – autologin, AP warnings and others
How do I delete content in the Media tab?
Last updated
2 months ago
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How do I delete content in the Media tab?
Why are the email and splash page editors different?
Can I import a database into Social WiFi?
How to ask a user for more feedback
How do I add more than one Pixel or Cookie to my Venue?
How to turn off New Feedback email notifications
Why do I get Access Point Warning emails?
How to turn off Access Point Warning email notifications
Can I move the "Connect to Internet" button?
Can I edit venue ID?
Can I add other review sites to my system?
Can I add a custom set of review emojis?
My data isn’t appearing in the User Data tab
Is the dashboard available in other languages?
Send a Project Report
Can I add other language versions?
My venue shows as Inactive